Monday, November 10, 2008

Get Yourself Springloaded

Writen by Ron Kaufman

An e-mail arrived with a fragmentary phrase that absolutely caught my attention. The writer referred to many upset customers being 'spring-loaded in the pissed-off position'.

What a phrase! And what an observation.

Ever noticed how quickly you get triggered when the service you receive goes bad? Ever noticed how short the fuse can be on the customers around you?

I decided to try the opposite approach and see what happens. I've been traveling a lot lately, and whenever I've needed personal service, I put myself in an intentionally good mood: 'spring-loaded in the appreciative position'.

Guess what happened?

I met friendly waiters, chatty taxi drivers and airline check-in agents who went out of their way to help me. I got telephone assistance way beyond expectations and found sales staff who were polite and eager to please. Everywhere I turned, service providers gladly went above and beyond the normal call of duty.

I wonder why? Was it something in the water? Something in the air? Or something more fundamental - about me?

Key Learning Point

Service is a two-way street. Life is, too. Want good service? What you send out comes right back to you.

Action Steps

Make the decision to get great service from today. It's easy! Just get yourself `spring-loaded in the appreciative position'.

Ron Kaufman is an internationally acclaimed educator and motivator for partnerships and quality customer service. He is author of the bestselling "UP Your Service!" and founder of "UP Your Service College". Visit for more such Customer Service articles, subscribe to his Newsletter, or to buy his bestselling Books, Videos, Audio CDs on Customer Service from his secure Online Store. You can also watch Ron live or listen to him at

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