Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Magnificent Force Of A Smile In Business

Writen by Anandrahi JS

A Chinese proverb says that the person who can not smile should not set up a shop. There are some proverbs which not only reflects the pleasant but also the bitter truths of human world. Would you like to buy from a shopkeeper who is rude or loses his patience easily?

Your Biggest Asset

One of the five richest persons of the world in last two hundred years steel king Andrew Carnegie knew the magnificent power of smile in business. He was aware of the fact that he wouldn't be able to get big success till he had the most attractive smile in his favour. He started his hunt for the marketing man having a smile that could move the world. He found Charles Schwab who became the most successful marketing executive this world ever had. Every business guru of that time agreed that two characteristics of Charles Schwab, his smile and his power of polite convincing, helped Andrew to make his billions. And by helping Andrew Carnegie Charles Schwab himself became a billionaire.

Breaks the Barrier

A smile attracts customers because it not only breaks the barriers between the two persons but also projects the confidence of a salesman in himself and his products. In numerous surveys it has been found that humorous nature is one of the top five qualities of men which attract others. It is very difficult for a person to get many friends if he is unable to smile.

Smooth Swimming

A businessman who has a smile and a quality product on his side can be a tough competitor whom no one can defeat. Smile is your most effective business tool. You can sell anything through it. Some businessmen may say 'how can we smile when we are bitter inside - facing innumerable hardships and cut-throat competition everyday. But they forget that it is the smile that is capable of soothing their nerves and energising their minds and helps them swim through the tides of business world smoothly. Smile more often. If you can't smile from heart, smile from face. Act smiling. Smiling will soon become your habit.

People Run Away from an Angryman

American Billionaire Henry J. Kaiser - the son of a shoe factory mechanic raised himself from a poor man to very rich industrialist due to the strength of his infectious smile and determination. His life was so full of miseries and hardships that he had often to force himself to smile. Charged with enthusiasm based on smile he always got success in winning new business territories and customers. Keep this fact of human tendency in mind that most of the people and customers shun away a touchy egotist or an angry sales man/girl. They always welcome a smiling seller or trader.

In brief you must learn to smile to succeed in any venture related to public relations and your smile should be as genuine as your product. In case you are not at all interested in smiling then hire smiling faces and surround yourself with them. And a smile is always more effective when served with politeness.

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Best-selling Books written by Anandrahi: 1. Think Your Way to Wealth and Power
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