Friday, May 23, 2008

Hospital Call Centers

Writen by Damian Sofsian

In hospital call centers, doctors and other medical staff take calls from patients and assess the harshness of their symptoms and guide them accordingly. Demographic data such as age, gender, height, weight can also be analyzed. Hospital call centers assist to determine the course of medical action, based on the various symptoms. Hospital call centers also give technical and customer support for medical emergencies.

Hospital call centers answer phones, make physician referrals and register callers. People generally want to speak with a live person. Internet is an effective means that avoid dumping of telephone calls. It is less expensive than hiring a live person. Some hospitals have introduced 'live chat' on their websites. Through the Internet, a consumer can talk live with a hospital representative. Sometimes customers can request specific times from hospital representatives for live telephonic conversations. Normally, answering phones is not a business of hospitals. Hospitals can also outsource these services to outside companies. Lots of companies provide call centre facilities to hospitals. They boast an array of trained medical men who specialize in medical services.

Hospital call centers can handle outpatient scheduling and then integrate it with the hospital's in-house database. A hospital call center can also make post-discharge calls to check on patient status, in order to make sure that patients follow post-discharge instructions. Thus, hospital call centers assist in post-therapy and post-surgery services for the hospital.

Most hospital call centers are equipped with scalable, state-of-the-art computer systems, backup power supply and data management/messaging programs specifically designed for the healthcare environment.

Call Centers provides detailed information on Call Centers, Inbound Call Centers, Outsourcing Call Centers, Conference Call Centers and more. Call Centers is affiliated with Call Center CRM Solutions.

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